What's Shadow98.com about?
ShadoW98.com was created to reach everybody's needs from "Poetry and Romance" to "Hacking and Politics". This page allows you to find close to everything you want. In the future, diferent subjects will be added thanks to people requesting sections (subjects) by e-mail. You can send your request to " [email protected] "They will read your request and personaly write back to you and tell you if your request was accepted or not and why.
Who is interested in this kind of page?
Lazy people, I guess, cause basicly this page is a easy way to reach diferent web pages and files, easy to find, easy to surf, easy to get.
Ok.. But isn't there Search Engines for that?
True, But ShadoW98 will not give you every possible web page on a subject, it will give you the best rated page wich saves you time and trouble, plus by surfing ShadoW98, who knows we might create a new taste for some web-surfers.
You say we can e-mail you what we want to know or see on the page, by the time you put it on, I'm sure the search engine will complete before you. No?
Once again your right, but there's always a little something, yes you will take less time with your search engine, but we have 14 explorers right now waiting for work, they will surf probably more than you will. I'm not saying they will find the same as you found, maybe diferent but always more and maybe better. We work on a 28h promise, wich meens, you send us your e-mail and we write you back witthin 26hours, and PLUS, if your request is accepted, we put it online at ShadoW98.com for you in that same 26hour promise!
Where did you get such an idea?
The idea was created after I was surfing the web for a certain thing, but couldn't get my finger on it. I finally found it but within 3 hours non-stop of searching. And a couple of days later, I was surfing and found something better than what I waisted so much time looking for. So there I got the idea of putting everybody's interest in one page, easy and perfect for lazy people like myself. I do not doupt that there's already such a thing out there, but competition is what makes it fun.
If you have any "Questions" or "Requests" let us know at "[email protected]" Thanks!